Starting animated rotation
Once you have enabled animated rotation from the Globe Properties dialog box, you can begin to gesture the 3D view to start the globe in motion. You will need to use the Navigate tool.
Click the Navigate tool
if it is not already active. The navigate icon has a circle around it when animated rotation is enabled.
- Click inside the 3D globe view holding the Navigate pointer down, then drag to the left or right, and release the mouse button. The gesture is like pushing the globe in the starting direction.
- Click the view again to stop the rotation.
The speed at which the view rotates is proportional to the speed at which the mouse is moving when you release the button.

- To start complex data rotating, press SHIFT while moving the mouse.
- To pause the rotation, choose a different tool from the Tools toolbar. For example, you can click the 3D Pan tool, pan the display, and then click the Navigate tool to resume rotation. You can still pan and zoom while the display is rotation with the Navigate tool in the usual way - by dragging with the middle or right mouse button.
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