How to add KML data into ArcGlobe
Use the steps below to add KML data to your ArcGlobe document. Be sure to have the KML toolbar already added to the display.
Click the Add KML Data
- Navigate to the KML file and select it.
- Click Open to add the data to the globe view.
- Right-click the KML layer in the table of contents and click Zoom to Layer to zoom to the full extent of the KML data.
KML files have either a .kml or .kmz file extension.
If your KML file contains dynamic content that updates frequently (for example, weather patterns), you can right-click the layer and click Refresh. Automatic refreshing of KML content is not supported in ArcGIS.

To learn about adding KML files into ArcGIS Explorer, see the ArcGIS Explorer online help topic about adding KML files as a data source.
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