Publishing raster data as an image service
An image service provides access to raster (and image) data through a web service. You can publish an image service using ArcCatalog or using the ArcGIS for Server manager.
To publish a raster dataset or raster layer as an image service, you do not need an extension. To publish a mosaic dataset, a document containing a mosaic dataset, or a raster layer containing a mosaic function, you require the Image Extension.
You cannot serve a raster catalog directly. If you want to serve a raster catalog, you can create a referenced mosaic dataset that uses the raster catalog as its data source.

When you publish an image service, the service definition and all the data will be moved onto the server. This can be time consuming since most raster data and mosaic datasets can be very large. Unless you are publishing a small amount of data, it is recommended that you do one of the following:
- Ensure that the data is on a shared drive that is registered with the server. For example, if you will be publishing a mosaic dataset, create it in this shared location with data from the shared location.
- Ensure that the data is duplicated (replicated) on the server. For example, the data you will use in the mosaic dataset exists in the same folder structure location in a registered location on the server, as it does on your local machine.
Below are the minimum steps to publish your raster data.
- Start ArcMap.
- Open the Catalog window (or ArcCatalog).
Navigate to the ArcGIS for Servers folder and verify your connection to an ArcGIS for Server or make a new one (using the Publish or Administer connection options). Then register your data locations (either shared or duplicated).
- Right-click the connection to the server and click Server Properties.
- To register the folder location where the raster data is stored click the Add Registered Folder button
and enter the required information.
To register an enterprise geodatabase, see Registering your data with ArcGIS for Server.
- Navigate to and right-click the dataset, and click Share As Image Service.
- Choose Publish as service and click Next.
- Click the Choose a connection drop-down list and select the server.
- Optionally, enter a new name for the service.
The name cannot be more than 120 characters long and may contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
- Click Next.
- By default, services are published to the root directory [root] of ArcGIS for Server. Alternatively, services can be organized in folders within the root directory. Choose the folder where you want to publish the service, or create a new folder to contain the service.
- Click Continue.
The Service Editor displays. You'll use the Service Editor to choose what users can do with your image service and take fine-grained control of how the server will expose your image service.
For information on specific parameters and capabilities, see Image services and their capabilities.
- In the left pane of the Service Editor, click Item Description and enter a summary, tags, and description for your image service.
- In the Service Editor, click
This examines your dataset to see if it can be published to the server. Results are displayed in the Prepare window. You have to fix the Errors
before you can publish the image service. For more information about resolving these issues, see the topic Analyzing your GIS resource.
To give yourself more viewing area, click the Collapse
button at the top of the Service Editor.
- Optionally, in the Service Editor, click
This can give you an idea of how your data will look when viewed on the web. See the topic Previewing your map for more information.
- Once you've fixed any errors, click