Slope function

Slope represents the rate of change of elevation for each digital elevation model (DEM) cell. It's the first derivative of a DEM.

Diagram representing slope

The inputs for this function are the following:

By default, the slope appears as a grayscale image. You can add the Colormap function to specify a particular color scheme, or allow the person viewing the mosaic to modify the symbology with their own color scheme.

This Slope function uses an accelerated atan() function. It is six times faster, and the approximation error is always less than 0.3 degrees.

Output Measurement

The inclination of slope can be output as either a value in degrees (using one of two options) or percent rise. There are three options:

Z Factor

The z-factor is a scaling factor used to convert the elevation values for two purposes:

Units conversion

If the units of measure for the z (elevation) units are the same as the x,y (horizontal) units, then the z-factor is 1. If the units of measure are different, then you will need to define a z-factor to account for the difference.

To convert from feet to meters or vice versa, see the table below. For example, if your DEM's elevation units are feet and your mosaic dataset's units are meters, you would use a value of 0.3048 to convert your elevation units from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meters).

This is also useful when you have geographic data (such as DTED in GCS_WGS 84 using latitude and longitude coordinates) where the elevation units are in meters. In this case, you need to convert from meters to degrees (0.00001; see below). The value for degree conversions are approximations.

Units conversion factor














Units conversion factor

Vertical exaggeration

To apply vertical exaggeration, you must multiply the conversion factor by the exaggeration factor. For example, if both elevation and dataset coordinates are meters and you want to exaggerate by a multiple of 10, the scaling factor would be unit conversion factor (1.0 from the table) multiplied by the vertical exaggeration factor (10.0), or 10. As another example, if the elevations are meters and the dataset is geographic (degrees), you would multiply the units conversion factor (0.00001) by 10 to get 0.0001.

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