An overview of the Cartographic Refinement toolset
Contains tools to enrich representation symbology by adjusting the alignment and arrangement of symbols and creating bridge and tunnel features
Tool |
Description |
Align the representation marker symbols of a point feature class to the nearest stroke or fill representation symbols in a line or polygon feature class within a specified search distance. |
Modifies the cap type (ending style) for representation stroke symbols and stores it as a representation override. |
Calculates the dominant angles of input polygon features and assigns the values to a specified field in the feature class. |
Allows intersecting lines to be displayed as underpassing one another by creating bridge parapets and masks to cover the underlying road segment. |
Finds representation markers that are overlapping or too close to one another and spreads them apart based on a minimum spacing and dispersal pattern. |
This tool is commonly used to synchronize boundary symbology on adjacent polygons. It creates a representation control point at vertices that are shared by one or more line or polygon features. |
Places a representation control point at vertices along a line or polygon outline where the angle created by a change in line direction is less than or equal to a specified maximum angle. |

The following tool was available in this toolset prior to ArcGIS 10, but has been removed since it is no longer applicable.
Tool |
Recommendation |
Calculate Geodesic Angle |
Use the Calculate Grid Convergence Angle tool in the Data Driven Pages toolset to calculate the true north rotation angle of features. |