Schematic diagrams from network analysis layers
The ArcGIS Network Analyst extensionextension allows you to solve common network problems, such as finding the best route across a city, finding the closest emergency vehicle or facility, identifying a service area around a location, or servicing a set of orders with a fleet of vehicles. Networks used by the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension are stored as network datasets that incorporate an advanced connectivity model representing complex scenarios, such as multimodal transportation networks.
Learn more about what a network dataset is
Learn about building and editing network datasets
Schematic diagram generation and updating are managed by Schematics builders. When working with network datasets, you can generate diagrams using one of the two following builders:
- Standard builder—Generate schematic diagrams from any set of network elements selected in the map that references your network dataset elements.
- Network Dataset builder—Generate schematic diagrams from any network analysis layer containing a performed route, closest facility, service area, or vehicle routing problem network analysis.
In this help book, you will learn more about schematic diagram generation and updating from solved network analysis layers—that is, about the generation and updating of diagrams based on the Network Dataset builder, the way this builder operates, and its particulars.
To configure your diagram template with the Network Dataset builder, you must use the Schematic Dataset Editor utility. Configuring the Network Dataset builder in the Schematic Dataset Editor Help system details the Network Dataset builder parameters and the steps required to configure your diagram template and make it work with this builder.

The ArcGIS Network Analyst extension must, of course, be installed and licensed, and the extension must be enabled before you can perform any network analysis and generate schematic diagrams based on network analysis results.

The Network Dataset builder can deal with any network analysis layer containing a performed route, closest facility, service area, or vehicle routing problem network analysis. The only exceptions are the OD cost matrix and location-allocation analysis results, which cannot be used as input for the Network Dataset builder.

Schematic diagram generation and updating from sets of selected network dataset elements are detailed in Working with geometric networks or network datasets.