Calculate Locations (Network Analyst)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Adds fields to the input features that contain the network location of the features. The tool is used to store the network location information as feature attributes to quickly load the features as inputs for a network analysis layer.



CalculateLocations_na (in_point_features, in_network_dataset, search_tolerance, search_criteria, {match_type}, {source_ID_field}, {source_OID_field}, {position_field}, {side_field}, {snap_X_field}, {snap_Y_field}, {distance_field}, {snap_Z_field}, {location_field}, {exclude_restricted_elements}, {search_query})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input features for which the network locations will be calculated.

For line and polygon features, since the network location information is stored in a blob field (specified in the Location ranges field parameter), only geodatabase feature classes are supported.

Table View

The network dataset used to calculate the locations.

If a sublayer of a network analysis layer is used as input features, the parameter must be set to the network dataset referenced by the network analysis layer.

Network Dataset Layer

The search tolerance for locating the input features on the network. Features that are outside the search tolerance are left unlocated. The parameter includes a value and units for the tolerance.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.

Linear unit
[[Source, SnapType],...]

Specifies which sources in the network dataset will be searched when finding locations and what portions of geometry (also known as snap types) will be used.

The parameter value is specified as a list with nested lists. The nested list is made up of two values indicating the name and the snap type for each network source. The snap type is specified using the SHAPE, MIDDLE, END, or NONE keywords. For example, when finding locations, the parameter value [["Streets","SHAPE"],["Streets_ND_Junctions","NONE"]] specifies that the search can locate on the shape of the Streets source but not on the Streets_ND_Junctions source.

To specify multiple snap types for a single network source, use the combination of the snap type keywords separated by an underscore. For example, MIDDLE_END specifies that the locations can be snapped to the middle or end of the network source.

For geodatabase network datasets, the snap types can be specified for each subtype of the network source.

When calculating locations for line or polygon features, only the Shape snap type is used even if other snap types are specified.

Value Table
  • MATCH_TO_CLOSESTMatches the new network locations to the closest network source among all the sources that have a snap type specified in the search criteria. This is the default.
  • PRIORITYMatches the new network locations to the first network source having a snap type specified in the search criteria. The sources are searched in the priority order and the searching stops when the location is found within the search tolerance.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the source ID of the computed network location. A field called SourceID is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the source OID of the computed network location. A field called SourceOID is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the percent along of the computed network location. A field called PosAlong is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the side of edge on which the point feature is located on the computed network location. A field called SideOfEdge is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the x-coordinate of the computed network location. A field called SnapX is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the y-coordinate of the computed network location. A field called SnapY is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the distance of the point feature from the computed network location. A field called Distance is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the z-coordinate of the computed network location. A field called SnapZ is created or updated by default.

The parameter is not used when calculating locations for line or polygon features. In such cases, use "#" as the parameter value.

When calculating locations for point features, the parameter is used only when the input network dataset supports connectivity based on z-coordinate values of the network sources. In all other cases, use "#" as the parameter value.


Name of the field to be created or updated with the location ranges of the computed network locations for the line or polygon features. A field called Locations is created or updated by default.

The parameter is used only when the calculating locations for line or polygon features. For input point features, use "#" as the parameter value.


This parameter is applicable only when the input features are from the sub layer of a network analysis layer and are not barrier objects. In all other cases, use "#" as the parameter value.

  • EXCLUDESpecifies that the network locations are only placed on traversable portions of the network. This prevents placing network locations on elements that you can't reach due to restrictions or barriers. Before relocating your network locations using this option, make sure that you have already added all the restriction barriers to the network analysis layer to get expected results.
  • INCLUDESpecifies that the network locations are placed on all the elements of the network. The network locations that are relocated with this option may be unreachable during the solve process if they are placed on restricted elements.
[[Source, Expression],...]

Specifies a query to restrict the search to a subset of the features within a source feature class. This is useful if you don't want to find features that may be unsuited for a network location. For example, if you are loading centroids of polygons and don't want to locate on local roads, you can define a query that searches for major roads only.

The parameter value is specified as a list with nested lists. The nested list is made up of two values indicating the name and the SQL expression for all of the network sources. The syntax for the SQL expression differs slightly depending on the type of the network source feature class. For example, if you're querying source feature classes stored in file or ArcSDE geodatabases, shapefiles, or SDC, enclose field names in double quotes: "CFCC". If you're querying source feature classes stored in personal geodatabases, enclose fields in square brackets: [CFCC].

If you don't want to specify a query for a particular source, use "#" as the value for the SQL expression or exclude the source name and the SQL expression from the parameter value. If you don't want to specify a query for all of the network sources, use "#" as the parameter value.

For example, the parameter value [["Streets","\"CFCC\" = 'A15'"], ["Streets_ND_Junctions",""]] specifies an SQL expression for the Streets source feature class and no expression for Streets_ND_Junctions source feature class. Note that the double quotes used to enclose the field name CFCC are escaped using back slash characters to avoid a parsing error from the Python interpreter.

Value Table

Code Sample

CalculateLocations example 1 (Python window)

Calculate Locations for point features using only the required parameters.

stores = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Analysis/Hospitals/Analysis/Stores"
network = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation/Streets_ND", network, "5000 Meters",
                            [["Streets", "SHAPE"],
                            ["Streets_ND_Junctions", "NONE"]])
CalculateLocations example 2 (Python window)

Calculate Locations for point features on a subtype of a network source.

warehouses = "C:/Data/Paris.gdb/Analysis/Warehouses"
network = "C:/Data/Paris.gdb/Transportation/ParisMultimodal_ND", network, "5000 Meters",
    [["Metro_Lines", "NONE"], ["Streets", "SHAPE"],
    ["Transfer_Stations", "NONE"], ["Metro_Entrances", "NONE"],
    ["Metro_Stations", "NONE"], ["ParisMultimodal_ND_Junctions", "NONE"]],
    "MATCH_TO_CLOSEST", "SID", "SOID", "PA", "SOE", "SnapX", "SnapY",
CalculateLocations example 3 (Python window)

Calculate Locations for polygon features

parks = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Analysis/Hospitals/Basemap/Parks"
network = "C:/Data/SanFrancisco.gdb/Transportation/Streets_ND", network, "", [["Streets", "SHAPE"],
                            ["Streets_ND_Junctions", "NONE"]],
CalculateLocations example 4 (Stand-alone Python script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the CalculateLocations tool in a stand-alone script.

# Name:
# Description: Calculate network locations for fire stations. Make sure that the 
#              fire stations are not located on the freeways.
# Requirements: Network Analyst Extension 

#Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

#Check out the Network Analyst extension license

#Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data/SanFrancisco.gdb"

#Set local variables
inFeatures = "Analysis/FireStations"
inNetworkDataset = "Transportation/Streets_ND"
searchTolerance = "2000 Meters"
searchCriteria = [["Streets","SHAPE"],["Streets_ND_Junctions","NONE"]]
searchQuery = [["Streets",'"FREEWAY" = 0'],["Streets_ND_Junctions",""]]

#Calculate network locations and store them in defaut field names,inNetworkDataset,searchTolerance,
print "Script completed successfully."


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes