ArcGIS Network Analyst extension options

Various options can be changed to control the global characteristics of network analysis layers. These can be accessed from the Network Analyst drop-down menu on the Network Analyst toolbar. Once changed, these options apply to subsequent analyses. These options are also persisted in and reloaded from map documents.

Bringing up Network Analyst Options dialog box

The color used to highlight the selected features as well as the messages that the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension will report can be changed on the General tab.

Option to change highlight color

The snapping environment for loading locations can be changed on the Location Snap Options tab. When using curb approaches in an analysis, snap and offset your stops to ensure that they are located on the correct side of the street.

Snapping options for loading locations

You can add and choose an address locator by using the Location Names tab. There you can choose which events will trigger the renaming of network analysis objects with the name of the nearest address.

Location name options

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