Common build errors
If any errors are detected during the build phase, a message is displayed. If any network feature has an error, it is not built into the network dataset. Common causes for such errors are as follows:
- Geometry is empty.
- The feature's geometry has zero length.
- No connectivity policy was found.
- A line feature has fewer than two vertices.
- No edge element can be found corresponding to the turn identifier # (where # is a numeric value).
- A junction cannot be found.
- The turn cannot be added to the logical network.
- The turn element already exists.
- The edges of the turn element conflict with existing interior/exterior edges.
- One of the interior edges of the turn element is the same as the first or last edge.
- One of the edges of the turn element is self-looping.
- The anchor junction of the turn element is not connected to the last edge.
- The edges of the turn element are not connected to each other.
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