Reading netCDF data as a raster layer

You cannot add a netCDF file using the Add Data button .
Using the Make NetCDF Raster Layer tool from the Multidimension Tools toolbox, you can create a raster layer from a netCDF variable. The output raster layer can be used in other tools that accept rasters as input for further analysis. To save the output layer, right-click the layer in the ArcMap table of contents and click Save As Layer File, or use the Save To Layer File tool from the Data Management Tools toolbox.
A raster layer can be created using variables with two or more dimensions. The output raster layer type is either float or integer based on the netCDF variable type. The following example shows a variable, rainfall, with three dimensions:
netcdf annualrainfall {
latitude = 48 ;
longitude = 115 ;
time = UNLIMITED ;
float latitude (latitude) ;
latitude:units = "degrees_north" ;
float longitude (longitude) ;
longitude:units = "degrees_east" ;
int time(time) ;
time:units = "days since 1895-01-01" ;
time:time_step = "annual" ;
time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
float rainfall (time, latitude, longitude) ;
rainfall:units = "mm yr-1" ;
rainfall:_FillValue = -9999.f ;
rainfall:missing_value = -9999.f ;
Click the Search window button
or tab.
- Click Tools.
Type Make NetCDF Raster Layer in the text box and click Search
- Click Make NetCDF Raster Layer in the returned list to open the tool.
- Type the name in the Input netCDF File text box, or click the browse button to navigate to the input file.
- Click the Variable drop-down arrow and choose a variable from the list.
- Click the X Dimension drop-down arrow and choose a dimension from the list, or alternatively, leave the default.
- Click the Y Dimension drop-down arrow and choose a dimension from the list, or alternatively, leave the default.
- Type the name in the Output Raster Layer text box, or leave the default.
- Optionally, to create a multiband raster, click the Band Dimension drop-down arrow and choose a dimension from the list.
- To specify a slice other than the default of multidimensional data, click the Default Values drop-down arrow and choose a dimension from the list. The dimension is added to the table. Click the Value drop-down arrow next to the added dimension and choose a value. Repeat this step to specify values for other dimensions.
Click OK.
An in-memory raster layer is created. You cannot see this layer in the ArcCatalog tree, but it can be used as input to geoprocessing tools that support it. In ArcMap, a raster layer is added to the table of contents.

You can also drag and drop a netCDF file in ArcMap. If the file contains variables with two or more dimensions, a raster layer is created and displayed using the first variable.