Select by Dimension (Multidimension)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Updates the netCDF layer display or netCDF table view based on the dimension value.



SelectByDimension_md (in_layer_or_table, {dimension_values}, {value_selection_method})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The input netCDF raster layer, netCDF feature layer, or netCDF table view.

Raster Layer; Feature Layer; Table View
[[dimension, {value}],...]

A set of dimension–value pairs used to specify a slice of a multidimensional variable.

  • dimension—A netCDF dimension.
  • {value}—A value of the dimension to specify a slice of a multidimensional variable. A drop-down arrow will appear if the number of available values is less than or equal to 200.
Value Table

Specifies the dimension value selection method.

  • BY_VALUE The input value is matched with the actual dimension value.
  • BY_INDEX The input value is matched with the position or index of a dimension value. The index is 0 based, that is, the position starts at 0.

Code Sample

SelectByDimension example 1 (Python window)

Updates the layer based on the dimension value.

import arcpy
arcpy.SelectByDimension_md("rainfall",[["lat", 20]],"BY_VALUE")
SelectByDimension example 2 (stand-alone script)

Updates the layer based on the dimension value.

# Name:
# Description: Updates the netCDF layer display based on the dimension value.
# Requirements: none

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set local variables
inNetCDFLayer = "rainfall" 
valueSelect01 = ["lat", 20]
valueSelect02 = ["lon", 45]  
dimensionValues = [valueSelect01, valueSelect02]
valueSelectionMethod = ""

# Execute SelectByDimension
arcpy.SelectByDimension_md(inNetCDFLayer, dimensionValues, valueSelectionMethod)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes