Converting hatches to graphics

  1. In the ArcMap table of contents, right-click the layer whose hatches you want to convert to graphics and click Convert Hatches to GraphicsConvert Hatches To Graphics.
  2. Choose the features for which you want to create graphics.
  3. Uncheck any hatch classes you do not want converted to graphics if appropriate.
  4. Click the Target Annotation drop-down arrow and click the annotation target to which you want to add the graphics.
  5. Alternatively, type the name of a new target annotation group.
  6. Click OK.
If you choose to only draw the converted graphics, each hatch class that was converted will be unchecked on the Hatches tab on the Layer Properties dialog box.
If your desired target is a geodatabase annotation feature class, you must first start an edit session. Then you must set the ArcMap active annotation target to be that feature class.

Learn more about starting an edit session

If you want to display the graphics only in a particular map, store them in the map. If you want to use them in other maps, store them in an annotation feature class in a geodatabase.

Learn more about annotation

Learn more about working with graphics

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