Adding an edge–edge rule
This topic applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.
- In the Catalog tree, right-click the geometric network and click Properties.
- Click the Connectivity tab.
- Click the drop-down arrow and click the feature class for which you want to create a rule.
- Click the subtype of the feature class if your feature class has subtypes.
- Navigate to and check the edge feature class or subtype you want to make connectable to this edge subtype or feature class and check it.
- Browse for and check the junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect.
- If you want to set a different default junction type, right-click the junction subtype or feature class in the Junction subtypes list, then click Set as default.
Click OK.
The rule is created in the database.
- If an edge–junction rule doesn't already exist between one of the edge subtypes or feature classes and one of the junction subtypes or feature classes, a rule is automatically created.
- To set a default junction type, right-click the junction subtype or feature class in the Junction subtypes list, then click Set as default.
- Setting the default junction class to be the Orphan junction feature class is a valid solution if your business rules that drive the creation of connectivity rules do not have a clear default junction class or type.
The first junction feature class and\or subtype selected for the edge–edge rule will automatically be set as the default junction for the rule. Only one default junction is allowed per edge–edge rule.

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