Toolboxes in geodatabases in Oracle
You can create new toolboxes in your geodatabase by right-clicking the geodatabase in the Catalog tree, pointing to New, and clicking Toolbox.
Tooboxes in ArcGIS for Desktop
If you have created a toolbox in your geodatabase, it would appear in the Catalog tree with the following icon:
The name of a toolbox in a geodatabase in Oracle contains the name of the owner of the locator and the name of the locator itself.
For example, a toolbox, MoveData, owned by user editor would be listed as EDITOR.MoveData in the Catalog tree.
Toolboxes in an Oracle database
Toolboxes are represented in a DBMS as a business table to store information about the tools in the toolbox and the GDB_ITEMS and GDB_ITEMTYPES system tables to keep track of both the toolboxes and tools.
The following are the tables for the MoveData toolbox:
Dashed lines indicate implicit relationships between columns.
The business table and GDB_ITEMS table are associated by the name—the value in the name field of the GDB_ITEMS table corresponds to the business table name. The GDB_ITEMTYPES table identifies the toolbox object as a toolbox and the tools in it as tools.
The GDB_ITEMS and GDB_ITEMTYPES tables reside in the geodatabase administrator's schema (sde) and the business table resides in the user's schema. The GDB_ITEMS and GDB_ITEMTYPES tables are created when you create the geodatabase; the business table does not get created until you create the toolbox.
For a definition of the GDB_ITEMS and GDB_ITEMTYPES tables, see System tables of a geodatabase stored in Oracle.
The following is the definition for a toolbox business table:
Field name |
Field type |
Description |
Null? |
NUMBER(38) |
Unique identifier of the tool |
Code that indicates the type of tool: 1 = function tool, 2 = model tool, 3 = script tool, or 4 = custom tool |
NVARCHAR2(255) |
Name of the tool |
NVARCHAR2(255) |
The label for the tool |
NVARCHAR2(255) |
Description of the tool |
NVARCHAR2(255) |
Name of the toolset in which tools are grouped; this includes the path to the toolset if it is a toolset nested inside another toolset. |
All other properties of the tool |
Toolboxes in an XML document
Toolboxes are data elements and, therefore, are prefaced with a DataElement tag. The data element type will be esri.DEToolbox.
The following is the XML (including metadata) for a toolbox named MoveData:
<DataElement xsi:type="esri:DEToolbox">
<Metadata xsi:type="esri:XmlPropertySet">
<XmlDoc><?xml version="1.0"?> <metadata xml:lang="en"><Esri><MetaID>{AE214421-4877-4FEB-96A5-8668EBAA9326}</MetaID><CreaDate>20060426</CreaDate><CreaTime>11473700</CreaTime><SyncOnce>TRUE</SyncOnce><ModDate>20060426</ModDate><ModTime>114737</ModTime></Esri><toolbox name="bu_42606.DBO.MoveData" alias=""><arcToolboxHelpPath>C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Help\gp</arcToolboxHelpPath><toolsets/></toolbox><dataIdInfo><idCitation><resTitle>bu_42606.DBO.MoveData</resTitle></idCitation></dataIdInfo><distInfo><distributor><distorFormat><formatName>ArcToolbox Toolbox</formatName></distorFormat></distributor></distInfo></metadata></XmlDoc>