Custom configuration keywords
You can add new keywords with any valid name. For example, you might create a keyword to define the storage location of your raster data tables if one does not already exist.
Other examples of when you might create a custom configuration keyword include the following:
- When setting up the system for archiving
See the section "Configuration keywords for archiving" in this topic for details on archive keywords.
- To have log file tables created in different areas of the database depending on which user triggers log file table creation
See the "Custom log file keywords" section in this topic.
- To specify storage locations for networks, terrains, or topologies that are different from the defaults
See the topic Composite keywords and geometry storage.
- To allow users to store specific types of data in different locations than are specified in the DEFAULTS configuration keyword
To add a keyword to the DBTUNE table, you can export the contents of the table to a text file using sdedbtune –o export, edit the file, then reimport the text file using sdedbtune –o import, which updates contents of the DBTUNE table.

Be sure when editing the text file to prefix the keyword with ## and close the parameter group with END. Also note that the maximum length for configuration keywords is 32 characters. If you plan to use archiving keywords, be sure your custom keyword is no more than 24 characters in length.
Alternatively, you could use the sdedbtune –o insert operation to add a keyword, then run it again for each parameter you want to add.
To obtain the sdedbtune command and documentation, install the ArcSDE application server for your DBMS.
Configuration keywords for archiving
You can specify configuration keywords for history tables. This is done by appending _ARCHIVE to the end of a keyword; for example, DEFAULTS_ARCHIVE. For each archive keyword you create, change the parameters as needed.
The most common use of an archive keyword is to store your history tables and the indexes on those tables in a different location than the rest of your data. Geodatabases stored in Oracle, DB2, or PostgreSQL allow you to store tables in different tablespaces; therefore, it is in these geodatabases that you would most likely use archive keywords.
When a history table is created, ArcSDE records the configuration keyword for the dataset that is being archived, then searches for corresponding archive keywords in the DBTUNE table. It uses the parameters specified for <keyword>_ARCHIVE when creating the history table. Therefore, if the DEFAULTS keyword is used to create a dataset that is enabled for archiving, ArcSDE will search for DEFAULTS_ARCHIVE for storage information to create the history tables for that dataset.

As mentioned in the previous section, configuration keywords are limited to 32 characters. The appended _ARCHIVE counts towards the 32 characters.
For any given keyword, if the corresponding archive keyword is not found, ArcSDE uses the same keyword as was used for the original dataset. In the example above, it will use the DEFAULTS keyword, which means the history tables and indexes will be stored in the same logical storage spaces as the feature class that was enabled for archiving.
If the <keyword>_ARCHIVE is present but missing a given parameter, the value of the parameter found in the DEFAULTS keyword will be used. See Geodatabase archiving for more information.

If you create an archive keyword, there is no need to include a UI_TEXT parameter. You would not specify the *_ARCHIVE keyword when the data is created; rather, the system will search for the keyword that matches the archiving table's configuration keyword.
Custom log file keywords
You can create log file keywords for particular users so that whenever the user creates a selection set that leads to the creation of ArcSDE log file tables, the settings for that user's log file keyword are used.
You create user-specific log file keywords in the format LOGFILE_<user_name>. For example, if you want to create a log file configuration keyword for user Moe, use the keyword LOGFILE_Moe. If the connecting user name is not Moe and it does not have its own user-specific log file keyword, the LOGFILE_DEFAULTS keyword is used.
Creating a log file configuration keyword for each user allows you to store the different users' log files on separate devices. Most geodatabases function well using the LOGFILE_DEFAULTS storage parameters set in the DBTUNE table by default. However, you can change the log file settings if you want.
The storage parameters you would use for this keyword depend on which type of log files the server has been configured to use.
For more information on ArcSDE log file tables, see the log file topic for your DBMS.
- ArcSDE log file table configuration options for DB2
- ArcSDE log file table configuration options for Informix
- ArcSDE log file table configuration options for Oracle
- ArcSDE log file table configuration options for PostgreSQL
- ArcSDE log file table configuration options for SQL Server

If you create user-specific log file keywords, there is no need to include a UI_TEXT parameter. The user does not specify his or her log file keyword when the data is created; rather, the system searches for the keyword that matches the connected user name when log file tables need to be created.