Compute Tie Points (Data Management)
Computes the tie points between the overlapped mosaic dataset items. The tie points can then be used to compute the adjustments for the mosaic dataset.
Once you compute the tie points, you can use the control point table in the Compute Adjustment tool.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_mosaic_dataset |
The input mosaic dataset that will be used to create tie points. | Mosaic Layer; Mosaic Dataset |
control_points_features |
The output control point table. This table will contain the tie points that were created by this tool. | Feature Class |
similarity [similarity,...] (Optional) |
Choose the tolerance level for your matching tie points.
| string |
in_mask_dataset (Optional) |
A mask will exclude any tie points from being generated in the areas that overlap with the input mask layer. | Feature Layer |
out_image_feature_points (Optional) |
The output image feature points table. This will be saved as a polygon feature class. This output can be quite large. | Feature Class |
Code Sample
This is a Python sample for the ComputeTiePoints tool.
import arcpy
arcpy.ComputeTiePoints_management("\\srvr\wksp\compTiePts.gdb\md", \
"\\srvr\wksp\compTiePts.gdb\outCP", \
"MEDIUM", "\\srvr\wksp\mask.shp", \
This is a Python script sample for the ComputeTiePoints tool.
#Compute Tie Points
'''Usage: ComputeTiePoints_management(in_mosaic_dataset, control_points_features,
{MEDIUM | LOW | HIGH}, {in_mask_dataset},
import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Workspace"
#Compute tie points for mosaic dataset items
mdname = "computetiepnt.gdb/md"
controlpnt = "C:/workspace/outcontrolpnt.shp"
similarity = "MEDIUM"
inmask = "C:/workspace/mask.shp"
outpnt = "C:/workspace/outfeat.shp"
arcpy.ComputeTiePoints_management(mdname, controlpnt, similarity, inmask,
print "Compute Tie Points example failed."
print arcpy.GetMessages()