Map To KML (Conversion)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


This tool converts a map document into a KML file containing a translation of Esri geometries and symbology. This file is compressed using ZIP compression, will have a .kmz extension, and can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.

Learn more about KML support in ArcGIS



MapToKML_conversion (in_map_document, data_frame, out_kmz_file, {map_output_scale}, {is_composite}, {is_vector_to_raster}, {extent_to_export}, {image_size}, {dpi_of_client}, {ignore_zvalue})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The map document to convert to KML.

ArcMap Document

The data frame of the map document to convert to KML.


The KML file to write. This file is compressed and will have a .kmz extension. It can be read by any KML client including ArcGIS Explorer, ArcGlobe, and Google Earth.


The scale at which to export each layer in the map. This parameter is important with any scale dependency, such as layer visibility or scale-dependent rendering. If the layer is not visible at the export scale, it will not be included in the created KML file. Any value, such as 1, can be used if there are no scale dependencies.

If exporting a layer that is to be displayed as 3D vectors and the is_composite parameter is set to NO_COMPOSITE, you can set this parameter to any value, as long as your features do not have any scale-dependent rendering.

Only numeric characters should be entered; for example, enter 20000 as the scale, not 1:20000 or 20,000.

  • COMPOSITEDirects the output KML file to contain only a single image that composites all the features in this map into a single raster image. The raster is draped over the terrain as a KML GroundOverlay. Select this option to reduce the size of the output KMZ file. When you check this box, individual features and layers in the KML are not selectable. Also, the next parameter, is_vector_to_raster, is ignored.
  • NO_COMPOSITELayers are returned separately in the KML. Whether the layers are returned all as rasters or as a mix of vectors and rasters is determined by the next parameter, is_vector_to_raster.
  • VECTOR_TO_RASTERConverts each vector layer in the map into a separate raster image in the KML output. Normal raster layers are also added to the KML output. Each output KML raster layer is selectable, and its transparency can be adjusted in certain KML clients.
  • VECTOR_TO_VECTORPreserves vector layers in the map as KML vectors.

The geographic extent of the area to be exported. The extent rectangle bounds should be specified as a space-delimited string of WGS84 geographic coordinates in the form left lower right upper (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).


Size of returned image in pixels. Defines the vertical and horizontal resolution of any rasters in the output KML document. Use this parameter with the DPI parameter to control output image resolution.


Defines the device resolution for any rasters in the output KML document. Typical screen resolution is 96 dpi. If the data inside your map supports a high resolution and your KML requires it, consider increasing the value. Use this parameter with the Image Size parameter to control output image resolution.

  • ABSOLUTEUse the Z-values of features when creating KML. The features will be drawn inside KML clients relative to sea level.
  • CLAMPED_TO_GROUNDOverride Z-values in your features and create KML with the features clamped to the ground. The features will be draped over the terrain. This setting is used for features that do not have Z-values. This is the default.

Code Sample

MapToKML example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the MapToKML function in immediate mode.

import arcpy
from arcpy import env

env.workspace = "C:/data"
arcpy.MapToKML_3d("city.mxd", "Layers", "city.kmz", "1")
MapToKML example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the MapToKML function in a stand-alone script.

Name: MapToKML Example
Description: This script demonstrates how to find 
             all map documents in a given workspace and export each to 
             a KML at the 1:10,000, 1:20,000, and 1:30,000 scale using
             the MapToKML tool.

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Use the ListFiles method to identify all layer files in workspace
if len(arcpy.ListFiles('*.mxd')) > 0:
    for mxd in arcpy.ListFiles('*.mxd'):
        # Set Local Variables
        dataFrame = 'Layers'
        composite = 'NO_COMPOSITE'
        vector = 'VECTOR_TO_VECTOR'
        pixels = 2048
        dpi = 96
        clamped = 'ABSOLUTE'
        for scale in range(10000, 30001, 10000):
           # Strips the '.mxd' part of the name and appends '.kmz'
           outKML = mxd[:-4]+'.kmz'
           #Execute MapToKML
           arcpy.MapToKML_conversion(mxd, dataFrame, outKML, scale, 
                                   composite, vector, '', pixels, dpi, clamped)
    arcpy.AddMessage('There are no map documents (*.mxd) in '+env.workspace)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Yes
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Yes