Viewing charts with the results

After a model has been run, you can view the results of the model based on reporting areas. The reporting areas can be drawn on the map and the results can be viewed as a pie and bar chart in the Dashboard widget. This allows you to see the suitability level for a particular area.

Adding a feature service

A feature service is required to draw reporting areas in the map. To create a reporting area, the feature service must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a polygon feature class
  • Contain a unique value renderer
  • Be editable

If the feature service is for a point or line feature class, you can only overlay the features on the map, and you will not be able to view a chart for the current extent. The same is true if the polygon feature service is not editable.

  1. If necessary, author a feature service.
  2. Run a model.
  3. Click the arrow to expand the Overlay Features widget.
  4. Click Load.

    The Load a Feature Layer dialog box appears.

  5. Type or paste the URL to the feature service in the Feature Service URL text box.
    Load a Feature Layer dialog box
  6. Click Load.

    The layer name and legend information appear for the feature service. If the feature service is editable, the templates for the layer appear.

Drawing a reporting area

The drawing tools in the Overlay Features widget allow you to draw a reporting area in the map. Once the area is drawn, you can add a description and change the category for the drawing.

The reporting areas are projected in Web Mercator.

  1. Click the arrow to expand the Overlay Features widget in the browser.

    The Overlay Features widget appears.

    Sketch Features widget
  2. Click a category template in the Overlay Features widget.

    A ToolTip appears in the map indicating that you can click in the map to begin drawing.

  3. Click and drag in the map to draw the reporting area.
  4. Double-click in the map to finish the sketch.

    The Sketch dialog box appears.

  5. Optionally type a description for the sketch in the Description text box.
  6. Optionally click the Type drop-down arrow to change the category for the reporting area.
  7. Click in the map to close the Sketch dialog box.

Viewing the results for a reporting area

Once the reporting area is drawn, you can view the results based on the drawing areas. This allows you to see the suitability areas based on specific extents. The reporting areas are reported by percentage for each type, then the area, in acres. The pie chart has the percentage of each sketch type in the current map extent, while the bar chart beside it presents the real-world area of the sketch, in approximate acreage.

After a section of the pie chart is double-clicked, you can see the statistics for a single reporting area. The pie chart contains the percent of coverage for each level of the color ramp. The bar chart indicates the approximate number of acres for each level in the reporting area.

  1. Click Charts on the Overlay Features widget.

    The Breakdown by Area widget appears.

    Default view of the Breakdown by Area widget
  2. Hover the pointer over sections of the pie chart or parts of the bar chart to see information about a specific reporting area.

    The pie chart shows the percentage of the area represented by the pie chart. Each bar in the bar chart shows the estimated number of acres represented.

  3. To view more detailed information about a single reporting area, double-click a section of the pie chart or a bar in the bar chart.

    The Breakdown by Area widget expands to show more detailed information about the selected area based on the level of suitability. If there is no data for areas in the extent, the bar will be blank. In the example below, the pie chart on the right has information on the low-medium, high-medium, and high-risk areas in the Conservation reporting area.

    Dashboard widget expanded to show both charts
  4. Hover the pointer over sections of the pie chart or parts of the bar chart to see detailed information about the suitability levels within a specific reporting area.