Postinstallation: Setting Windows XP properties to support ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting users in a 32-bit operating system
If you will be using the ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting with a 32-bit Windows operating system, some Windows properties need to be modified to increase the amount of virtual memory available.

This process only applies to the 10.2 and 10.2.1 releases. Windows XP is no longer supported at 10.2.2.
- Open Windows Explorer.
- Type C:/boot.ini in the Address text box and press Enter.
The boot.ini file opens in your default text editing application (Notepad, WordPad, and so on).
- Type a space and /3GB at the end of the last line of the file.
- Save the changes to the boot.ini file.
- Close the file.
- Restart the system to enable the changes.
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