Esri CityEngine system requirements
The latest system requirements, including hardware requirements and supported operating systems to install and use Esri CityEngine, are available on the ArcGIS Resources website.
Supported operating systems
The Esri CityEngine setup will only proceed if the operating system is 64 bit. The list of the latest supported operating systems for Esri CityEngine is available at the ArcGIS Resources website.
Microsoft Windows Installer
Microsoft Windows Installer version 3.1 must be installed and running on your machine prior to running the Esri CityEngine setup silently. The Windows Installer executable, instmsi3.exe, can be accessed from the Esri CityEngine installation media to install the Windows Installer, if required.
Disk space
Esri CityEngine requires a minimum of 600 MB of disk space.
Esri CityEngine also requires OpenGL version 2.0 or later.
Graphics card
Esri CityEngine requires an NVIDIA or ATI graphics card. Intel chips are not supported.
Esri CityEngine authorization
Esri CityEngine requires authorization. For more information, see authorizating your software.