Editing service files on Windows

If you installed the application service feature, you must add a name and port number entry to the ArcSDE services.sde file and the Windows operating system services file for your ArcSDE service.

  1. Open the services.sde file in a text editor.

    This file is in the ArcSDE\db2exe\etc folder.

  2. Define the service name and TCP/IP port number on which the ArcSDE service will accept connection requests by doing one of the following:
    • Remove the comment mark (#) from the default entry esri_sde 5151/tcp.
    • Add a unique service name and TCP/IP port number, for example, arcsde 4000/tcp.
  3. Open the Windows services file.
  4. Copy the service entry you defined in the services.sde file and paste it into the Windows service file.
  5. Save and close both services files.

Once the service information is defined, you can create the service.

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