What is Portal for ArcGIS?


This help system contains information about Portal for ArcGIS 10.2 and later versions. Help topics updated to include new content are marked with a note highlighting the differences with the previous version. New help topics specific to a certain version, are marked with a note stating the topic only applies to that version. Some topics featuring workflows that are different from previous versions include legacy notes which link to the previous version of the topic.

Portal for ArcGIS allows you to share maps, applications, and other geographic information with other people in your organization. The content that you share is delivered through a website. You can customize the website to fit your organization's look and feel.

What can I do with Portal for ArcGIS?

Portal for ArcGIS brings together all the geographic information in your ArcGIS platform and shares it throughout your organization. For example, with Portal for ArcGIS you can:

Portal for ArcGIS puts GIS in the hands of people who might not otherwise have any experience with it. For example, Portal for ArcGIS includes geographic viewers designed for those who are just beginning with GIS. Experienced GIS users can connect to Portal for ArcGIS from ArcGIS for Desktop, developer APIs, and other applications.

To view an example of how Portal for ArcGIS is leveraged in a typical organization, see An example of using Portal for ArcGIS in your organization.

What do I get with Portal for ArcGIS?

Portal for ArcGIS includes the following:

To learn more about how Portal for ArcGIS works within the ArcGIS system, see The portal's role in ArcGIS.

Getting started

If you are just getting started with Portal for ArcGIS, be sure to review

The help system you are reading contains further information about how to use Portal for ArcGIS once it has been installed.

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