Image Management

The Image Management guide book is intended to support data managers responsible for managing and disseminating large collections of imagery to their user community. This user community may be limited to your organization, or it may include external users and the general public.

This Image Management guide provides best practices for the management of large collections of imagery. The word 'image' is used very loosely to include all forms of data that can be represented as rasters, including optical satellite and aerial imagery, elevation data, and products from sources such as Lidar and Radar. Image management encompasses all aspects of making imagery accessible, from the structure of the data to cataloging, processing, and serving.

This guide is written primarily for those that need to manage large collections of imagery. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of ArcGIS for Desktop and Server as well as the general concepts of working with imagery and mosaic datasets. The guide is not a replacement for the help documentation and in many cases will refer to the help for details of specific functions.

This guide is broken down into multiple sections. The first section provides more general information that is relevant to a wide range of imagery types. The remaining sections focus on workflows for different types of imagery. Over time, these sections will be expanded to include a wider range of imagery.
