FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
executeJob (Operation)
URL http://<BatchValidation-url>/executeJob
Parent Resource Batch Validation


Executes a Reviewer batch job file (.rbj). Execution is asynchronous. The operation returns a jobId in a JSON object.

This operation does not support cron scheduling.

The batchValidationSettings parameter contains the following name/value pairs:


Parameter Details
batchValidationSettings Description: JSON object with four name/value pairs

Values: {"batchJobFileItemId":"<upload itemId>", "sessionId":"<reviewer_session_id>","productionWorkspace":"<path to production workspace>" ,"productionWorkspaceVersion":"<name of version>" ,"analysisArea":<JSON polygon>,"changedFeaturesOnly": true | false}
batchValidationJobTitle Description: The batch validation job title. This information is stored in the scheduler database with the adhoc job information. It is not stored in the Reviewer workspace. The getJobDetails operation returns information that includes the job title.

batchValidationJobCreatedBy Description: Indicates the user name that executes the adhoc job. This information is stored in the scheduler database with the adhoc job information. It is not stored in the Reviewer workspace. The getJobDetails operation returns information that includes the job created by name.

f Description: The response format

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: Execute a batch job. The request specifies a production workspace, an upload itemId, and a session. Submitting this request will return an adhoc job id, but actual batch validation execution may fail if you don't have this production workspace or session. To use this sample request:

  1. Change the production workspace (or remove it).
  2. Change the session id if your Reviewer workspace does not have a session called "Session 1 : Session 1."
  3. Upload a batch job file. The upload operation returns an itemId. Change the batchJobFileItemId to your uploaded itemId.

http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer/BatchValidation/executeJob?batchValidationSettings={"productionWorkspace":"c:\\data\\LocalGovernment.gdb","batchJobFileItemId":"ifff042a8-cbc5-43e7-b1ad-1a4edd593c0e","sessionId":"Session 1 : Session 1"}&batchValidationJobTitle=&batchValidationJobCreatedBy=&f=pjson

JSON Response Example

  "adhocJobId": "fe63a23e-ffaf-4228-a509-14dc25c56238"

Example 2: Execute a batch job. The request specifies a production workspace, an upload itemId, an analysisArea, and a session. Submitting this request will return an adhoc job id, but actual batch validation execution will fail if you don't have this production workspace, session or the analysisArea does not contain the features in your batch job. To use this sample request:

  1. Change the production workspace (or remove it).
  2. Change the session id if your Reviewer workspace does not have a session called "Session 1 : Session 1."
  3. Change the analysisArea to a JSON polygon that contains features to validate in your production workspace.
  4. Upload a batch job file. The upload operation returns an itemId. Change the batchJobFileItemId to your uploaded itemId.

http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer/BatchValidation/executeJob?batchValidationSettings={"productionWorkspace":"c:\\data\\LocalGovernment.gdb","batchJobFileItemId":"ifff042a8-cbc5-43e7-b1ad-1a4edd593c0e","sessionId":"Session 1 : Session 1","analysisArea":{"rings":[[[-97.74,30.303],[-97.738,30.303],[-97.738,30.305],[-97.74,30.305],[-97.74,30.303]]],"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}}}&batchValidationJobTitle=&batchValidationJobCreatedBy=&f=pjson

JSON Response Example

  "adhocJobId": "fe63a23e-ffaf-4228-a509-14dc25c56238"