FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
editJob (Operation)
URL http://<BatchValidation-url>/scheduledJobs/<jobId>/editJob
Parent Resource scheduled job


Changes job properties for an existing scheduled job. The sessionId value in the batchValidationSettings parameter must be in full string format: Session 1 : Session 1.


Parameter Details
batchValidationSettings Description: JSON object with name/value pairs

Values: {"sessionId":"<reviewer_session_id>","batchJobFileItemId":"<upload itemId>","productionWorkspace":"<path to production workspace>","productionWorkspaceVersion":"<name of version>","analysisArea":<JSON polygon>,"changedFeaturesOnly":true|false}
schedule Description: A cron string indicating time and date of execution.

Values: seconds minutes hours day-of-month month day-of-week (year). A cron schedule of 0 30 10 * * ? executes the job every day at 10:30 UTC.
f Description: The response format

Values: html | json

Example Usage

Example 1: Change job f4309363-c334-45ac-936a-fcb9181bf0a7 to run on Reviewer session "Session 2 : Session 2":

http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer/BatchValidation/scheduledJobs/f2b5239c-8163-480b-9671-ff150017bcc1/editJob?batchValidationSettings={"sessionId":"Session 15 : Session 15"}&schedule=&f=pjson

JSON Response Example

  "edited": true