FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description
URL http://<data reviewer server-url>/ReviewerResults
Supported Operations getBatchRunDetails   getLayerDefinition   getResults   updateLifecycleStatus   writeFeatureAsResult   writeResult  
Parent Resource DataReviewerServer


ReviewerResults allow you to access the Reviewer workspace. Access includes the following functionality:

You can write both JSON geometry and feature objects to a Reviewer workspace using the writeResult and writeFeatureAsResult operations. The writeResult operation writes a JSON geometry and Reviewer attributes to a Reviewer workspace. The writeFeatureAsResult operation writes a JSON feature object (an object that contains a JSON geometry and attribute object) and Reviewer attributes to a Reviewer workspace.

Use getResults to query the Reviewer workspace. Execute the getLayerDefinition operation to retrieve a layer definition that you can dynamically apply to the Reviewer map service.

The getBatchRunDetails operation fetches batch run information from the Reviewer workspace.

The updateLifecycleStatus operation allows you to move a result between lifecycle categories and indicate how a result was handled within a category.