ArcGIS Data Reviewer API for JavaScript

ReviewerMapServerHelper Class

Generates dynamic rendering options (see LayerDrawingOptions class) for Reviewer workspace results.

This class automatically generates symbols and colors based on the contents of your Reviewer workspace. Unique values in a DashboardResult are used to build UniqueValueRenderers. These renderers are applied through LayerDrawingOptions to the REVTABLEPOINT, REVTABLELINE, and REVTABLEPOLY layers in the ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server Map Server.

Instances of this class keep a cache of the symbols and colors used to render the map. The colors are kept consistent if the extent of the features being drawn changes.

The colors are selected based on a predefined color palette that helps make each unique value distinguishable from each other. However, using more than 20 unique values is not recommended because the resulting rendered map will not be helpful for analysis. Colors are not randomly selected for Severity and LifecycleStatus fields. Instead, a predefined color scale is applied.

If you use a custom color map, the auto generated or predefined palettes are not used. The following rules apply if the color map doesn't contain enough values to represent all unique values in the DashboardResult:

  • If useDefaultColorForMissingValues is set to false (default) in getLayerDrawingOptions, colors for any values missing from the colorMap are generated from the color palette.
  • If useDefaultColorForMissingValues is set to true in getLayerDrawingOptions, the current defaultColor is assigned to all values missing from the colorMap. NOTE: If the DashboardResult fieldName property is set to either Severity or LifecycleStatus, useDefaultColorForMissingValues is always true.



  • drsSoeUrl
  • pointSymbol
  • lineSymbol
  • polySymbol
  • defaultColor


  • drsSoeUrl String

    ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server SOE (DataReviewerServer) URL.

  • pointSymbol SimpleMarkerSymbol

    Optional SimpleMarkerSymbol used to render reviewer point results. The default symbol style is STYLE_CIRCLE and size 7.

  • lineSymbol SimpleLineSymbol

    Optional SimpleLineSymbol used to render reviewer polyline results. The default symbol style is STYLE_SOLID, black, with an alpha of 1 and width of 4.

  • polySymbol SimpleFillSymbol

    Optional SimpleFillSymbol used to render reviewer polygon results. The default symbol style is STYLE_SOLID, black, with an alpha of 1.

  • defaultColor Color

    Optional default color, specified as a dojo Color. Used when the system cannot determine a color to apply to a symbol.



  • dashboardResult
  • colorMap
  • useDefaultColorForMissingValues

Creates LayerDrawingOptions for the reviewer map server's REVTABLEPOINT, REVTABLELINE, and REVTABLEPOLY layers. See DashboardResult, DashboardTask, dojo Color and defaultColor property.


  • dashboardResult DashboardResult

    Obtained from a query to Data Reviewer Server using the DashboardTask.getDashboardResult function.

  • colorMap Object

    Optional custom color map object that contains key-value pairs. Keys are the unique values in dashboardResult. Values are dojo Colors.

  • useDefaultColorForMissingValues Boolean

    (Optional) If false, colors for any values missing from the colorMap are generated from the color palette. If true, current defaultColor is assigned to all values missing from the colorMap. NOTE: If the DashboardResult fieldName property is set to either Severity or LifecycleStatus, useDefaultColorForMissingValues is always true.


Deferred: Dojo object. The callback function in the deferred object will contain a response object that holds an instance of LayerDrawingOptions.


   // Example colorMap for FEATUREOBJECTCLASS - keys (feature object classes) may be different.
   // NOTE: You must require dojo/_base/Color to use the following code snippet.
   var colorMap:Object = {"Roads": new Color([255, 0, 0, 0.5]), "Buildings": new Color([0, 255, 0, 0.5])};


() String

Extracts the MapServer url from the full ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server SOE url.


String: URL




Sets the default color, specified as a dojo Color. Used when the system cannot determine a color to apply to a symbol. Write only.



Sets the symbol used to render the reviewer map server's REVTABLELINE layer. You can define the alpha, style and width properties. Color is determined by the DashboardResult and colorMap parameters passed to the getLayerDrawingOptions function.



Sets the symbol used to render the reviewer map server's REVTABLEPOINT layer. You can define the alpha, angle, outline, size, style, xoffset, and yoffset properties. Color is determined by the DashboardResult and colorMap parameters passed to the getLayerDrawingOptions function.



Sets the symbol used to render the reviewer map server's REVTABLEPOLY layer. You can define the alpha, style and outline properties. Color is determined by the DashboardResult and colorMap parameters passed to the getLayerDrawingOptions function.



Event Payload:


            // connect to the onError event of the ReviewerMapServer Class
            function onErrorHandler(error)
               alert ("An error occurred. Error message = " +
                      error.message +" Error code = " +error.code);


Dispatched by getLayerDrawingOptions.

Event Payload: