Dashboard widget
June 2013
The Dashboard widget displays statistics (unique counts) from fields in a Reviewer workspace. The statistics represent total counts of results summarized by a field. This allows you to understand the number and type of results you have in a Reviewer workspace.
The following workflow details how to deploy and use the Dashboard widget.
Deploying the Dashboard widget
Application Builder provides the easiest way to deploy the Dashboard widget. The following steps detail how to deploy the Dashboard widget to an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex site. You must download the Data Reviewer widgets before following these steps.
- Start ArcGIS Viewer for Flex - Application Builder.
- Click the Settings link in the upper-right corner of Application Builder.
- Click Show Advanced Settings.
- Click Manage Custom Widgets.
- Click Add on the Manage Custom Widgets dialog box.
- Navigate to the location of the Dashboard.zip file and click Open.
You must extract the Dashboard.zip file from the DRDashboardWidget.zip archive.
- Click Close on the Import Custom Widget dialog box.
- Click Close on the Manage Custom Widgets dialog box.
- Click the My Applications link in the upper left corner of Application Builder.
- Double-click your application in the Application Name field.
- Click the Widgets tab.
- Click Dashboard in the Catalog area.
- Click Include.
- In the Widget Settings area, change the <drsUrl> tag to point to your ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Server URL: <drsUrl>http://<your server name:6080/arcgis/rest/services/reviewer/MapServer/exts/DataReviewerServer</drsUrl>
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
Displaying result counts on the Dashboard widget
The Dashboard widget displays a pie or bar chart of result counts from a Reviewer workspace field. By default, the widget displays Severity counts. You can change the results field by changing widget settings. Widget settings are located on the reverse side of the widget.

You can also change the default behavior by editing the Dashboard tag reference file.
In your ArcGIS Viewer for Flex web application, click the Dashboard widget button on the toolbar at the top of the web page.
The Dashboard widget appears.
When the widget opens, a new operational layer, Reviewer Geometry, is added to the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex map display. The widget displays a pie chart of Severity counts.
- Click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the widget.
The widget settings pane appears.
- In the Select information to display list, click the option button next to Feature/Object class.
- Click the Main button in the upper-right corner of the widget.
The widget chart pane appears. The pie chart displays result counts by Feature/Object class. The Reviewer Geometry map layer symbology colors change to match the colors in the pie chart.
Filtering result counts by session or geographic area
The widget's charts display all result counts for a specific field. You can filter result counts by session or geographic area. This allows you to visualize the distribution of your Reviewer results within a session or extent.

Spatial filtering affects the chart results. It does not change the display of features in the map. Session filtering affects both the chart results and the features displayed in the map.
- Click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the widget.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Reviewer Session and choose a session from the list.
- Click the Main button in the upper right corner of the widget.
The widget chart pane appears. The pie chart displays result counts by Feature/Object class within the session you chose in step 2.
- Pan and zoom the map to a subset of features in the Reviewer Geometry map layer.
- Click the Settings button in the upper right corner of the widget.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to Reviewer Session and choose All Sessions.
- Click Show results only in current map extent.
- Click the Main button in the upper right corner of the widget.
The widget chart pane appears. The pie chart displays result counts by Feature/Object class within all sessions in the current map extent.