Using globe services on ArcGIS 10.1

If you want to use the USA Elevation and/or World Elevation globe services, make sure you have created the elevation globe services on ArcGIS 10.1 for Server. Then users of desktop client applications, such as ArcGlobe and ArcGIS Explorer, can consume the globe services by connecting to the GIS server and adding the services as data in their documents. Globe services are also available through SOAP and REST.

For information on how to use globe services with ArcGIS, see Globe service usage in ArcGIS 10.1 for Server (Windows) Help under Services > ArcGIS for Server (Windows) > Publishing services > Types of services or Globe service usage in ArcGIS 10.1 for Server (Linux) Help under Services > ArcGIS for Server (Linux) > Publishing services > Types of services.
