Publishing map services on ArcGIS 10.1 for Server
Using ArcGIS Server Manager, you can publish a service definition file (.sd) as a service. The service definition is uploaded to the server as part of the publishing process. You don't have to copy it to the server beforehand.
To publish a service definition using Manager, follow these steps for each map service you want to create:
- Open ArcGIS Server Manager and log in.
- Click Services > Manage Services > Publish Service.
- Click Browse to navigate to source_documents > service_definitions on the Data Appliance data collection, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\source_documents\service_definitions.
Data Appliance 5.1 map service definitions
- Select the service definition you want to publish, for example,
- Click Next.
- By default, the service definition is published to the server folder specified in the service definition configuration. You must publish the service definition to this root folder.
- Optionally choose the GIS server cluster that will host the published service definition. To learn more, see About GIS server clusters for Windows or About GIS server clusters for Linux.
- Click Next.
- Optionally choose to enable or disable capabilities for your service definition.
- Click Publish to publish the service definition as a service.
The new map service will appear in the list of available services.
The publish process uses the first directory in the server's list of cache directories. You need to change it to the data appliance cache directory previously created.
- Click the Stop button
to the right of the service name to stop the service.
- Click the Edit button
to edit the service properties.
- Click Caching and change the cache directory setting to reference the data appliance collection.
- Click Save to save your changes and click the Restart button
to restart the service.
- Repeat this process for each map service you want to configure.
For more information, see Publishing a service definition to the server in Manager for Windows in ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Help under Services > ArcGIS for Server (Windows) > Publishing services > How to publish services or Publishing a service definition to the server in Manager for Linux in ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Help under Services > ArcGIS for Server (Linux) > Publishing services > How to publish services.