What's new

Data Appliance 5.1 for ArcGIS has the following improvements and enhancements:


New services


The level of detail available to the customer is abased on the collection purchased.

Three new services were added:

Updated data

The following basemaps and reference maps were updated:

Retired data

World Places Locator DVD

If you were using the World Places Locator from Data Appliance 5.0 for ArcGIS or an earlier Data Appliance version, that geocoding service is no longer included as part of the data collection of drives. The locator is now shipped with Data Appliance 5.1 for ArcGIS on a separate DVD containing data, service documents, and help for publishing the World Places Locator. If you published the World Places Locator with a previous release, you need to update your environment to use the DVD version prior to your Data Appliance collection upgrade.
