Element | Description |
ArcPad | The root element for all ArcPad XML statements. |
COLOR | Used to define a color in a color ramp. |
COLORRAMP | Used to define the color ramp in a gradient fill complex polygon symbol.Used to define the color ramp in a gradient fill complex polygon symbol. |
COMPLEXLINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLELINESYMBOL. |
COMPLEXPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. Provides additional symbology options beyond SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL. |
DECORATIONSYMBOL | Used to define a line decoration in a complex line symbol. |
FILLSTYLES | Used to group polygon feature symbols in a stylesheet.Used to group polygon feature symbols in a stylesheet. |
GRADIENTFILL | Used to define the gradient fill in a complex polygon symbol. |
GROUPSYMBOL | Used to symbolize features with multiple symbols acting as a single symbol (e.g., a freeway line symbol consists of a group of 3 line symbols). |
HASHSYMBOL | Used to define a hash symbol in a complex line symbol. |
LINEFILL | Used to define the line fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
LINESTYLES | Used to group line feature symbols in a stylesheet.Used to group line feature symbols in a stylesheet. |
MARKERFILL | Used to define the marker fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
MARKERSTYLES | Used to group point feature symbols in a stylesheet.Used to group point feature symbols in a stylesheet. |
MARKERSYMBOL | Used to define the marker symbol in a complex line symbol.Used to define the marker symbol in a complex line symbol. |
OUTLINESYMBOL | Used to define the outline symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
RASTERFILL | Used to define the raster fill symbol in a complex polygon symbol. |
RASTERFILLSYMBOL | Symbolizes polygon features using the specified image as a fill symbol. |
RASTERMARKERSYMBOL | Symbolizes point features using the specified raster image. |
SIMPLELINESYMBOL | Used to symbolize line features. |
SIMPLEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using one of the predefined symbol types: circle, square, cross, triangle, star, X, or diamond. |
SIMPLEPOLYGONSYMBOL | Used to symbolize polygon features. |
STYLE | Used to specify the symbol for a style in a stylesheet.Used to specify the symbol for a style in a stylesheet. |
STYLESHEET | Defines a series of named symbology styles for point, line, and polygon layers.Defines a series of named symbology styles for point, line, and polygon layers. |
TEXTSTYLES | Used to group text symbols in a stylesheet.Used to group text symbols in a stylesheet. |
TEXTSYMBOL | Symbol used to label point, line, and polygon layers. |
TRUETYPEMARKERSYMBOL | Used to symbolize point features using TrueType symbols. |