ArcPad Scripting Object Model
ToolItem Collection Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method ClickClicks the tool button as if it had been clicked by the user.
Public Method ItemReturns the specified toolitem object (tool item or menu item).
Public Method PromotePromotes the toolitem or menuitem to the top of the dropdown list.

Public Properties

Public Property CaptionReturns or sets the caption to display for the menu item
Public Property CheckedReturns or sets a value that determines whether the tool button is displayed in a depressed state.
Public Property CountReturns the number of ToolItem objects (tool buttons) in the tool button's drop-down menu.
Public Property EnabledReturns or sets a value that determines whether the tool button can respond to user-generated events.
Public Property IDReturns the internal Windows ID of the tool button.
Public Property IndexReturns the index of the tool button.
Public Property NameReturns the name of the tool button.
Public Property ToolTipView or modify the tooltip text
Public Property VisibleReturns or sets a value that determines whether the tool button is visible.


Public Event OnClickOccurs when the tool button is clicked.
Public Event OnPointerDownOccurs when the pointer is touched on the map view while the tool button is pressed.
Public Event OnPointerMoveOccurs when the pointer is moving around while still touching the map view while the tool button is pressed.
Public Event OnPointerUpOccurs when the pointer is released from the map view while the tool button is pressed.

See Also

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