ArcPad Scripting Object Model
Item Method
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Required. A Variant that specifies the name or index of the page.
Pages Collection : Item Method

Glossary Item Box


Returns the specified page object.


Set variable = object.Item ( Index )


Required. A Variant that specifies the name or index of the page.

Return Type


Index is a variant specifying the page to reference. It can be either the index or the name of the page. For example, if the variable objForm references a form that contains a page named "pgPageOne" that has an index of 1, the following two lines of code will yield the same result:

       Set objPage = objForm.Pages.Item(1)
       Set objPage = objForm.Pages.Item("pgPageOne")
The Item method is the default method for the Pages collection. Therefore, the following two lines of code will yield the same result:

       Set objPage = objForm.Pages.Item("pgPageOne")
       Set objPage = objForm.Pages("pgPageOne")

See Also

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