ArcPad Scripting Object Model
DrawShape Method
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Required. A variable declared as a Geometric object.
Required. A variable declared as a Symbol object.
Map Object : DrawShape Method

Glossary Item Box


Draws a shape on the map using the specified symbology.


object.DrawShape ( pShape, pSymbol )


Required. A variable declared as a Geometric object.
Required. A variable declared as a Symbol object.


The DrawShape method draws the shape to the current map view. If the map is refreshed or the extent changes, the shape disappears.

When the DrawShape method is called, the shape is drawn directly onto the device context instead of into the drawing cache. If you need to clear the screen before calling the DrawShape method, call Map.Redraw True in your script instead of Map.Refresh True. For example, the following VBScript code will draw a purple box around the selected feature. It should be called in the OnSelectionChanged event of the Map object:

Sub HighlightSelected
      Dim pSymbol, pRect, pRS, pLyr
      'Refresh the map
      Map.Redraw True
      'Get selected layer
      Set pLyr = Map.SelectionLayer
      If pLyr Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
      'Get selected feature's extent
      Set pRS = pLyr.Records
      pRS.Bookmark = Map.SelectionBookmark
      Set pRect = pRS.Fields.Shape.Extent
      'Create a symbol
      Set pSymbol = Application.CreateAppObject("Symbol")
      pSymbol.LineColor = 8388736
      pSymbol.LineWidth = 4
      pSymbol.BackgroundMode = 2
      'Draw the symbol at the selected feature's extent
      Call Map.DrawShape(pRect, pSymbol)
      'Free resources
      Set pRect= Nothing
      Set pSymbol=Nothing
      Set pLyr = Nothing
      Set pRS = Nothing
End Sub


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