ArcPad Scripting Object Model
GPS Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method CloseCloses the connection to the GPS port.
Public Method EscapeSends from one to three arguments to a GPS extension.
Public Method OpenOpens the connection to the GPS port.
Public Method WriteWrites the specified text to the GPS port.
Public Method WriteByteWrites a single byte to the GPS port.
Public Method WriteLineWrites an optional string and newline character to the GPS port.
Public Method WriteSentenceWrites a string and newline character to the GPS port. A NMEA checksum is automatically appended to the end of the string before sending (that is, a * followed by a 2 character hex value).

Public Properties

Public Property AltitudeReturns the current altitude in the native datum of the GPS.
Public Property AutoPanMarginReturns or sets the percentage towards the edge of the screen that the GPS cursor must reach before the map is automatically panned.
Public Property ExPropertiesGets or sets a property from the currently active GPS extension.
Public Property IsOpenReturns True if the GPS port is open; False otherwise.
Public Property IsValidFixReturns True if the current GPS fix is valid; False otherwise.
Public Property LatitudeReturns the current latitude in the native datum of the GPS.
Public Property LongitudeReturns the current longitude in the native datum of the GPS.
Public Property PropertiesReturns the current value of the specified GPS property.
Public Property ProtocolReturns the current protocol of the GPS.
Public Property QualityRadiusReturns or sets a value that controls the quality radius displayed around the GPS cursor. This radius indicates the current EPE, HPE, or a fixed distance.
Public Property SatellitesReturns a reference to the Satellites collection.
Public Property SentenceReturns the last NMEA sentence received from the GPS. Either the complete NMEA sentence or a particular data field can be requested.
Public Property xReturns the current X position (Easting) in the current datum of the map.
Public Property yReturns the current Y position (Northing) in the current datum of the map.
Public Property ZReturns the current Z position (Elevation) in the current datum of the map.


Public Event OnAverageStartOccurs when averaging starts for a GPS point or vertex.
Public Event OnAverageStopOccurs when averaging stops for a GPS point or vertex.
Public Event OnCloseOccurs when the GPS receiver is deactivated.
Public Event OnExEventOccurs when an external event is received from a GPS extension.
Public Event OnOpenOccurs when the GPS receiver is activated.
Public Event OnPositionOccurs when a position update is received from the GPS receiver.
Public Event OnSentenceOccurs when a NMEA sentence is received from the GPS receiver.

See Also

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