ArcPad Scripting Object Model
CoordSys Object Members
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Glossary Item Box

Public Methods

Public Method ExportExports the CoordSys object to a projection file (.prj).
Public Method ImportImports a projection file (.prj) into the CoordSys object.
Public Method LookupCodeReturns the code or name of the specified name or code.
Public Method LookupConstantReturns the conversion factor (to meters) of the specified constant.
Public Method ProjectProjects, unprojects, or reprojects a geometric object using the properties of the CoordSys object.
Public Method UpdateApplies any changes to the CoordSys object's properties.

Public Properties

Public Property DatumReturns the datum code of the geographic coordinate system.
Public Property DatumNameReturns the datum name of the geographic coordinate system.
Public Property FlatteningReturns or sets the flattening ratio of the geographic coordinate system's spheroid.
Public Property GeographicNameReturns or sets the name of the geographic coordinate system.
Public Property GeographicUnitReturns or sets the angular unit code of the geographic coordinate system.
Public Property ParametersReturns or sets the specified parameter of the projected coordinate system.
Public Property ProjectionReturns the code of the projection type of the projected coordinate system.
Public Property ProjectionNameReturns or sets the name of the projected coordinate system.
Public Property ProjectionUnitReturns or sets the linear unit code of the projected coordinate system.
Public Property SemiMajorAxisReturns or sets the semi-major axis length of the geographic coordinate system's spheroid.
Public Property StringReturns or sets the complete contents of the projection file (.prj) of the coordinate system.

See Also

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