Adding basemap services
Basemaps are read-only map layers depicting background reference information such as landforms, roads, landmarks, and political boundaries, onto which other thematic or operational information is placed.
The most common basemaps used in ArcPad are raster files that have been created in ArcMap on the desktop and shared with the device running ArcPad. These rasters do not rely on an Internet connection and can be copied to a device from a desktop computer with a cable, placed on an SD card, or transferred over a wireless network.
For more information, see Choosing the most appropriate raster format for your project.
Network-connected users can also add a basemap to their ArcPad project from a service. In this case, ArcPad creates a connection file locally, and image tiles that match the extent of the current map view are retrieved and stored locally for later display in ArcPad.
ArcPad supports basemap layers from the following servers:
- ArcGIS Online
- ArcGIS Server
- Bing Maps
- ArcIMS
ArcGIS Online
ArcPad supports public ArcGIS Online map services. An ArcGIS explorer style map file (.nmf) is created when an ArcGIS Online service is added to ArcPad. Once created, this file can be added to future ArcPad maps via the Add Layer(s) tool. Once this layer is added to your ArcPad map, ArcPad automatically establishes a connection to the server, retrieves the image tiles for the current view, and stores them locally for display in ArcPad. These tiles are available for use even when you no longer have a network data connection, and the tiles do not expire.
ArcGIS Server
Similar to ArcGIS Online, you can configure your own ArcGIS Server to publish map services. Map services can be used in ArcPad in the same way as the ArcGIS Online basemap services. As with ArcGIS Online services, when you connect to an ArcGIS Server service from ArcPad, an NMF file is created and added to ArcPad. Once created, this file can be added to future ArcPad maps via the Add Layer(s) tool.

To use your own map services in ArcPad. the following must be done:
- The map service must use the Web Mercator projection.
- You must Create a map cache on the server.
- The map cache must include the highest level of detail, Layer 0 (equivalent to the extent of the world).
Bing Maps
Microsoft's Bing Maps are available to users as a subscription service. Complimentary use of Microsoft's Bing Maps with ArcGIS and ArcPad ended December 31, 2013. You can still use Bing Maps in ArcPad, but you need to obtain your own Bing Maps key directly from Microsoft, and then input the key into ArcPad.
The method of using Bing Map tiles is similar to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Server; an NMF file acts as a connection to the Bing map image tiles. Bing Maps does differ from other tile services in that they expire. Tiles that are downloaded will expire at midnight on the day they are downloaded. The service is designed by Microsoft to download the tiles that you will use for each day of use.
For information on getting a Bing Maps key, visit
At ArcPad 10.2, the ability to browse for Bing Map services in the Add Data from Server dialog box was removed. The Bing Map NMF files are included in the Sample directory (\\Shared Documents\ArcPad\Samples\Bing Maps). Use the Add Layer(s) tool to add any of these NMF files to your ArcPad map. With an NMF file in your map, your Bing Key entered in ArcPad Options, and an active network connection, ArcPad will automatically download the Bing Map tiles for your map extent.
Although the Geography Network has been superseded by ArcGIS Online, ArcPad still supports private ArcIMS image services. These image services can be open or protected services. The username and password for accessing protected services are entered in the Server page of the ArcPad Options dialog box.
At ArcPad 10.0.4 and earlier, when an ArcIMS Internet Server is added to ArcPad, a Geography Network Definition file (.gnd) is created. This file acts as a connection to the service and can be added to any ArcPad map. ArcIMS layers can still be used in ArcPad 10.2, they just cannot be created in ArcPad 10.2.
Sample ArcIMS services can be found at
ArcPad supports the Identify tool on ArcIMS layers if the layer contains attributed vector data on the host server.