Customize Expression Builder
You can customize Expression Builder in the following ways:
- Manage the list of built-in functions displayed in Expression Builder, removing unwanted functions or changing the function groups.
- Create your own functions and make them available in the Expression Builder wizard.
The function groups are defined in an XML file called QuickFields_Functions.xml. This file stores a list of the currently available functions in the filtered groups. To change the groups or move or remove functions, you can edit this XML file in any text editor.

There must be at least one group in the XML file.
The Quick Fields feature is written as a JScript ArcPad applet. You can add your own JScript functions that can be used in Expression Builder. To add your own functions, open the QuickField_Functions.js in ArcPad Studio (or your favorite editor) and follow these basic principles:
- Each function name must be prefixed with _ap. For example, creating a new name function would be called _apMyNewName().
- The value you require to populate the field must be set to g_Value. For example, g_Value = “ArcPad Rocks”.
The follow table shows a list of the functions contained in each of the default function groups, and an example of the output that each function would deliver in your edit form.
Function group | Function name | Example output |
Points | Shape X Shape Y | -138 34 |
Polylines | Length | 256.65 |
Polygons | Perimeter Area | 72.3 1248.44 |
GPS | GPS X Coord GPS Y Coord GPS pDOP GPS hDOP GPS UTC Time GPS Estimated Precision Error GPS Number of Satellites | 17.2356 -56.4415 -1.79769313486232E+308 5.3 05/04/13 03:01:19 1.#QNAN (Garmin Receivers only) 6 |
Date Time | Date Date Time Day Month Full Year Day String Month String Hours Minutes Seconds Time String | Day of the month (from 1-31) 14:33 from 0-6 from 1-12 four digits - 1978 Monday January from 0-23 from 0-59 from 0-59 14:44 |
System | User Name Unique ID Sequential ID Incremental ID | System Login - Roxanne 12548 123, 124, 125… 1,2,3... |