What are Quick Fields?
The term Quick Fields describes the background operation that assists data capture within ArcPad by automatically populating attribute fields with predefined values. Each time a layers' edit form opens for the entry of new data, the Quick Fields process checks for fields that have associated expressions and enters the data automatically. For example, the field Name can have an expression defined to automatically enter the text Fred for each new record created.

Quick Fields are applied before the edit form is initialized; consequently, the functions Shape X and Shape Y will not display the geometry derived from averaging, if averaging is enabled. When averaging is enabled, the first geometry value encountered by the Quick Fields applet is inserted into the field.
To build an expression, use the Expression Builder in ArcPad Design Mode. With this tool, you can build the following:
- Expressions for a specific layer
- Global expressions that look for a specified field name in any data layer that's in the open map document