Overview of adding layers
You can display geographic information on a map as layers. Each layer represents a particular type of feature, such as streams, lakes, highways, or light posts. A layer does not store the actual geographic data; instead, it references the data contained in shapefiles, ArcPad AXF files, images, photo layers, graphics layers, StreetMap layers, or ArcGIS Server ArcPad, ArcGIS Online or ArcIMS services.

Distinguishing layer types: The different layers supported by ArcPad are represented by different icons. These icons are listed on the following page.

Layer projection conflicts: Only add layers with the same projection. ArcPad will not add layers with different projections to the same map. Projection information for each layer is contained in the layer’s projection (.prj) file. In addition, each map has an associated projection that can be stored in the ArcPad map (.apm).
The exceptions to this are StreetMap, ArcGIS Online and ArcIMS services, and graphics layers. These layers are automatically projected, on-the-fly, to the projection of the current ArcPad map.
When you select an .apm file from within the add layers dialog, you only add the layers from that .apm to your existing map. All other detail contained in the .apm is not loaded. For example, if your .apm contains bookmarks, these will not be added to your existing map.

Adding an .apm file from the add layer dialog excludes the details contained in the .apm: When an .apm file is added from the add layer dialog box, it only adds the layers from the map to your existing map. Other details like bookmarks etc are not added to your exisitng map.