Using hyperlinks
- Once hyperlinks have been activated for a layer, tap the drop-down arrow below the Identify button.
- Tap Hyperlink.
The hyperlink tool is activated, and the Hyperlink button is depressed and promoted onto the toolbar.
- Tap the feature for which you would like to display a hyperlink.
ArcPad launches the program associated with your hyperlink, and it is displayed on the screen
- Tap OK to close the external application and return to ArcPad.
Displaying hyperlinked documents: Hyperlinks in ArcPad are links to external programs. They are not opened directly in ArcPad. If you specify a Web address as a hyperlink, you must start the address with http://—for example, ArcPad then launches your default Web browser and displays the Web page, if you are connected to the Internet. If you specify a photograph or video as a hyperlink, ArcPad will launch the associated program that will then open the document
Troubleshooting hyperlinks: Hyperlinks will fail to launch for one of the following reasons:
- There is no program associated with the hyperlink file.
- The associated program cannot find the file.
- The Web address does not start with http://.
- The Internet connection is unavailable.