What are the ArcPad Tools for ArcToolbox

The ArcPad Tools for ArcToolbox allow you to check out data from ArcPad and check in data to ArcPad, that is, they have similar capabilities to the Get Data For ArcPad and Get Data From ArcPad tools in the ArcPad Data Manager for ArcMap. Using the Deploy to Mobile Device tool, you can deploy data or an application in a CAB file to a connected mobile device. In addition, the Process ArcPad Project tool allows you to get data for ArcPad based on a preconfigured checkout in ArcMap using the Configure Project for Geoprocessing tool. The QuickProject To Geodatabase tool imports shapefiles created in ArcPad as part of a QuickProject into a geodatabase. The Add feature service URL to AXF tool allows you to connect your checked out data with a feature service for synchronization in the field.

The ArcPad tools can be accessed from ArcToolbox (in either ArcCatalog or ArcMap) or within a model. The tools are installed with ArcPad and are automatically activated; however, they can also be activated from ArcCatalog. You can use these tools on their own or add them to your geoprocessing models along with other tools.

ArcPad Toolbox
