Overview of managing layers

ArcPad displays geographic information on a map as layers. Each layer represents a particular type of feature, such as streams, lakes, highways, political boundaries, or light posts. A layer does not store the actual geographic data; it references the data contained in shapefiles, ArcPad AXF files, images, graphics and photo layers, or internet services like ArcGIS online, ArcGIS Server ArcPad services, and ArcIMS.

As you saw in the previous sections, it is easy to add layers to a map. Once they are on your map, you will want to organize them to make your map look the way you want it to. You organize and manage layers through the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents allows you to turn a layer’s visibility on or off, change a layer’s drawing order, remove layers, select layers for editing, change a layer’s properties, and set snapping properties for editing.
