Customizing ArcPad toolbars

ArcPad's default toolbars can be used as they are supplied out of the box, or can be customized. There are three ways you can customize toolbars:

You can create custom toolbars that work only within a specific applet or via the default configuration file so that they are always loaded when ArcPad starts. These new toolbars can contain a combination of built-in tools, that are found on ArcPad’s default toolbars, and user-defined commands, that call custom scripts. You can hide or display any of the built-in toolbars and specify that toolbars include large format buttons.

Toolbars are loaded into ArcPad as follows: on startup, ArcPad loads any custom toolbars from the default configuration file (ArcPad.apx). As each applet is loaded, its toolbars are then added to the system.
