Creating ArcPad AXF files

ArcPad AXF files can be created using one of the following tools:

These tools allow you to create ArcPad AXF files from selected geodatabase feature layers. These tools automatically read the geodatabase schema, including any relationship classes, and use the schema to construct the resultant ArcPad AXF file. ArcPad AXF files can only be created when layers are checked out from a geodatabase—and are always created when layers are checked out from a geodatabase using the ArcPad Data Manager. ArcPad AXF files can be created from shapefiles or from geodatabase layers that are selected for copy out. You cannot check in the edits to you made to the copy out layers. The Get Data for ArcPad tool also generates data input forms automatically for the checked out AXF files.

The structure of the ArcPad AXF file cannot be changed once it has been created, although the contents of the ArcPad AXF file can be edited in ArcPad and ArcPad Studio.
