Author Project for ArcGIS Server
Only data stored in an SDE database can be published to ArcGIS Server, and all layers contain global ids. The database must also be versioned.
To learn more about SDE, seeWhat is ArcSDE
To learn more about versioning, see Understanding versioning
You can import any existing shapefiles, personal geodatabase, or file geodatabase layers into SDE for publishing to ArcGIS Server. For more information on importing, see An Overview of importing datasets.

Some data types are not supported by the ArcPad Data Manager. For more information, see Preparing your data for ArcPad.
Author Project for ArcGIS Server tool
is used to create a configuration file for publication to ArcGIS Server.
When you choose to run this tool, the Welcome page appears.
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If you do not want the Welcome page to appear again, check the check box Do not show this welcome page again.
Select Data
Click Next and the following screen appears.
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Displays the name of the layer. Relationship classes for geodatabase layers are also displayed with the layer name.
On the Action tab you have the option of setting the action on an individual layer or you can choose to set the same settings for all layers. When you click on the Action tab, the following list appears.
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- Checkout all Geodatabase layers and copy out all other layers
- Checkout all Geodatabase layers only
- Copyout all non-Geodatabase layers only
- Copyout all layers
- Reset all (to Do not export)
- Defaults (When you choose to select Defaults, you will get another set of options
for layers.)
- Background layer format (Shapefile and AXF layer)
- Background layer editing (Read Only and Editing allowed)
- Checkout Data or Schema (Data and Schema only)
- Raster output type (TIFF, JPEG2000, MrSID (Gen2), Original format )
- Include graphics layer with background data

- Only the layers that have the map’s spatial reference will be available for checkout.
- Background layers cannot be synchronized, even if they are made editable. Editable background layers should be considered only for special circumstances and are not designed for synchronization. Editable background layers give field users a framework when collecting ad hoc or infrequent data, but also gives data administrators an opportunity to review that data before it is returned to an enterprise data system.
Folder or Database
Displays the folder or the geodatabase where the layer is located.
Layer Definition Template
When checked, the Open Layer dialog box is displayed, allowing you to choose an existing Layer Definition from a shapefile or ArcPad AXF file to be used as a template. This allows you to reuse forms, scripts, icons, and other layer definition elements.
Spatial extent
Select the spatial extent to be used for selecting the layer features to be copied or checked out. Raster layers will also be cropped to the selected spatial extent unless the Keep Original image output option is selected.

- The key difference in this wizard (Author Project for ArcGIS Server) to the Get Data for ArcPad and Configure Project for Geoprocessing wizards is that only SDE layers are available for checkout for disconnected editing.
- If you have only personal geodatabase layers (local data), then the option of disconnected editing will not be displayed, under the Action tab, where you select actions to be performed on layers.
- When you click Next, if your layers are versioned with the option to move edits to base, you will get an error. In order to correct the error, you must register all geodatabase layers without the option to move edits to base.
- Unlike the Get Data for ArcPad and Configure Project for Geoprocessing wizards, Picture Options cannot be defined in the Author Project for ArcGIS Server wizard.
Select Output Options
Once layers are selected, click Next. Clicking Next on the wizard takes you to Select Output Options.
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Options for the spatial extent are:
- The current display extent
- The full extent of the selected layer(s)
- The extent of the currently selected feature(s)
- The extent of the currently selected graphic(s)
Only get selected features
When checked, only the selected features will be copied or checked out.
Only get features specified in layer’s definition query
When checked, only the features selected by the layer’s definition query will be copied or checked out.
Only get fields specified as visible in layer’s properties
When checked, only the fields selected as visible in the layer’s properties will be copied or checked out.
Create an ArcPad map (.apm file) for the data
When checked, an ArcPad map with the specified map name will be created on the server after you publish the ArcPad project to ArcGIS Server. The ArcPad map will reference all of the layers selected for copy out or check out, as well as the data frame properties that are supported by ArcPad.
Map name
Enter the name of the ArcPad map to be created. Default is ArcPad.apm.
Encrypt check out data
When checked, the checked out data will be encrypted in the ArcPad AXF file. The specified password will be required to use the data in ArcPad and to check the data back in.
Enter the password to be associated with the encrypted ArcPad AXF file.
Validate feature classes before checking out
When checked, the geodatabase layers and features selected for checkout will be validated before checking out. The validate process will stop at the first occurrence of invalid data and report the invalid data. The invalid data should be corrected and the checkout process run again (with the validate option checked) until no invalid data is reported. All invalid data will need to be corrected in order to check out the layer.
The validation occurs in the following sequence:
- Validate any subtypes.
- Validate any attribute rules (such as domains).
- Validate any network connectivity rules.
- Validate any relationship rules.
- Perform any custom validation (using optional class extensions).
ArcPad requires that all data be valid according to the defined domains. Although the validate process takes some time for larger datasets, it is highly recommended that you validate your data when using Get Data For ArcPad for the first time. This will detect and report any invalid data and provide you with an opportunity to correct the data.
Click Finish, and the following message box appears:
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At the end of the process, an .apo file is created alongside your ArcMap .mxd document. You use the .mxd and .apo together to create an ArcPad publication when publishing the ArcPad project to ArcGIS Server.