Main toolbar
The Main toolbar consists of the following buttons:
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Open map
Opens an ArcPad map (a file with a .apm extension).
Save map
Saves the current ArcPad map.
Add layer
Adds one or more layers to the current map.
Table of contents
Opens the Table of Contents dialog box.
GPS Active
Activates or deactivates the GPS.
Opens the ArcPad Options dialog box.
Redraws the map.
Displays a new context menu, consisting of all the help files (Quick Reference Help, User Guide, Reference Guide on Windows XP or Vista, or Quick Reference Guide only on Windows Mobile) and a link to the Esri Support Center. It also displays information about StreetMap Extension and ArcPad.
Open Map menu
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Displays a context menu for creating a new QuickProject, map, shapefile, QuickForm, graphics layer, or photo layer.
Open map
Opens an ArcPad map (a file with a .apm extension).
Save map
Saves the current ArcPad map.
Save map as
Saves the current ArcPad map with a new name and/or in a different folder.
Map properties
Opens the Map Properties dialog box.
Recent maps
Displays the nine most recently opened maps. Tap any one of these to close the current map and open the selected map.

The recently opened maps list is stored in the ArcPad.ini file. To remove all recently opened maps, browse to your My ArcPad folder, and delete the ArcPad.ini file. Next time you open ArcPad, a new ArcPad.ini file is created and no recently opened maps are listed. Alternatively, open ArcPad.ini in a text editor and delete the references to the recently opened maps that you no longer want to see listed in ArcPad.
Recent layers
Displays the nine most recently added layers. Tap any one of these to add the selected layer to the current map.

Similarly to recently opened maps, the recently opened layers list is stored in the ArcPad.ini file. To remove all recently opened layers, browse to your My ArcPad folder, and delete the ArcPad.ini file. Next time you open ArcPad, a new ArcPad.ini file is created and no recently opened layers are listed. Alternatively, open ArcPad.ini in a text editor and delete the references to the recently opened layers that you no longer want to see listed in ArcPad.
Closes ArcPad.
New context menu
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Quick Project
Closes the current map and creates a new data capture project with ready-to-use point, polyline, and polygon shapefiles. Layers in the current map can optionally be added to the new Quick Project map.
Closes the current map and creates a new, blank map.
Creates a new shapefile with an optional QuickForm, and loads it into the current map.
Creates a new QuickForm for an existing shapefile.
Graphics layer
Creates a new graphics layer and loads it into the current map.
Photo layer
Creates a new photo layer and loads it into the current map.
Add Layer menu
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Add layer
Adds one or more layers into the current map.
Add data
from server
Adds an ArcGIS Online Service, ArcGIS Server ArcPad Service, or ArcIMS image service as a layer to the current map.
Synchronize data with
ArcGIS Server
Uploads and downloads data to and from an ArcGIS Server ArcPad service.
GPS Active menu
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GPS position
Opens or closes the GPS position window.
GPS active
Activates or deactivates the GPS.
GPS tracklog
Starts or stops storing GPS points in the tracklog shapefile.
Rangefinder active
Activates or deactivates the rangefinder.
Opens the GPS Preferences dialog box.
Opens the RangeFinder Preferences dialog box.
GPS and rangefinder debug
Opens or closes the GPS and rangefinder debug window.
Automatic map rotation
Activates or deactivates the automatic rotation of the map based on the GPS direction of movement (or Course Over Ground [COG]). When activated, the top of the map aligns with the GPS direction of movement.
Clear rotation
Clears the map rotation so that the map constantly faces north.
Options menu
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Opens the ArcPad Options dialog box.
Advanced settings
Opens the Advanced Settings dialog box.
Map Navigator
Displays or hides the Map Navigator.
The Map navigator is combination of four frequently used tools.
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Pan
- Zoom to full extent
It is on by default, but it can be hidden from the Quick Access Menu
The map navigator tools operate as "use once only" tools. When visible, the map navigator is displayed in a blue colour with no tool highlighted. When the equivalent tool is selected from the main toolbar, it is not selected in the map navigator. The map navigator does not interfere with, or reflect the current pen mode, instead, the tool that you select is available as a once off, returning the pen mode that what you were using once it is used. For example, when pan is selected on the map navigator, the current tool is temporarily de-selected and the map navigator tool is selected in the map navigator toolbar, shown by a coloured icon. If the similar tool is visible in the main toolbar, it is shown as temporarily selected by using a blue background colour as a differentiator (instead of the normal orange background when a tool is normally selected). After you use the tool once on the map view, all the toolbars return to their previous state. Clicking on another main toolbar tool while you have a temporary map navigator tool selected will cancel the temporary tool and select the new tool as per normal toolbar operations.
Scale bar
Displays or hides the scale bar.
Panning frame
Displays or hides the map panning frame.
Status bar
Displays or hides the status bar.
North arrow
Displays or hides the north arrow in the map view.
Extension tools
This context menu allows you to open and access ArcPad extension properties..
Refreshes your current map.
Help menu
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Lists available Help topics (varies depending on the operating system).
About extension
Opens the About ArcPad Street Map Extension dialog box.
About ArcPad
Opens the About ArcPad dialog box.
Help context menu
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Quick reference
Displays the Quick Reference Help system. (On the PC, opens the ArcPad Quick Reference PDF; on Windows Mobile, opens the ArcPad HTML Help.)
ArcPad help
On the PC, opens the ArcPad Help system.
Support Center
Goes to the website, using the default Internet browser.