Overview of Opening a map
Once you have started ArcPad, you can create a new map file or open an existing one using the tools on the Main toolbar or as previously discussed using the Startup dialog box/open map. A new map is automatically created if no default map is specified.
The ArcPad map file (.apm) stores a list of the map layers in your ArcPad map. A map lists all your layers together with the geographic extent and projection of the map.

Starting ArcPad with a default map: When ArcPad starts, it looks for the default map, ArcPad.apm. ArcPad will open this map on startup if it exists. The location of the default map is specified on the Paths page of the ArcPad Options dialog box.

ArcPad logo: The ArcPad logo is displayed in the System taskbar when ArcPad is running. Tap the logo to bring ArcPad to the foreground at any time. On Window Mobile devices, the System taskbar is only displayed on the Today screen