Creating a skin definition file

ArcPad skins are easily created using a standard Windows bitmap file (.bmp), 8- or 24-bit format, and a corresponding skin definition file (.skn). Both filenames must have the same prefix, for example, IPAQ.bmp and IPAQ.skn.

The skin definition file is a simple text file created using a text editor such as Notepad. The values specified for HorzOffset and VertOffset are the offsets in pixels from the top-left corner of the skin image to the screen area where ArcPad will be shown. The values for HorzRes and VertRes specify the screen area size in pixels to which ArcPad will be limited. They correspond to the actual resolution of the device, for example, 240 x 320 for a standard Windows Mobile device.


Creating your own skin : Scan your Windows Mobile device using a desktop image scanner. For best results, set your scanning resolution to 100 dots per inch (dpi). Alternatively, visit for any available skins.

  1. Open a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Type the following information for a Pocket PC: [ArcPad Skin] HorzOffset=60, VertOffset=75, HorzRes=240, VertRes=320.These settings will change depending on the device you would like to represent.


  3. Save as “filename”.skn.